MoreScore Terms of Use

updated on July 25, 2022


These Terms of Use explain the terms by which you may use the Services. By accessing or using the Services, you agree that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by this Agreement, and to the collection and use of your information as set forth in the MoreScore Privacy Policy, whether or not you are a registered User of the Services. This Agreement applies to all Users, and others who access the Services (“Users”).

These Terms of Use (hereafter referred to as the ‘ToU’) constitute and govern the relationship between ‘Provider’ (defined below) and all parties who access the App (defined hereunder) and make use of its features and contents in any manner (hereafter referred to as ‘Users’).

Collectively the Provider and the Users shall be referred to as the ‘Parties’.


MoreScore reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify or replace this Agreement from time to time, and so you should review this page regularly. When we change the Agreement in a material way, we will update the ‘last updated’ date at the bottom of this page. Your continued use of the Services after any such change constitutes your acceptance of the new terms. If you do not agree to any of these terms or any future terms, do not use or access (or continue to access) the Services.


The use of any or all of the features and services offered by the Provider on MoreScore mobile application (hereafter referred to as the ‘App’) and the information, materials and links contained therein, is subject to the ToU as set out below. Unless otherwise agreed by the Provider in writing, the ToU constitutes the entire relationship between the Provider and the User in its use of the App including any and all of its functions on offer by the App.

The User has the duty to read carefully and understand the ToU before using the App. A User who has viewed the App is considered to have read, understood and agreed to be bound by the ToU, without the need for any further act.

The Provider hereby reserves the right to suspend, add, end, amend and/or supplement these ToU from time to time as it may deem appropriate.

The Provider recommends that the User reads carefully the contents of these pages regularly. By using the App the User agrees to be bound by the ToU, as well as by the latest modifications to them, regardless of whether in fact the User is aware of such modifications.

The Provider is under no obligation to verify that all Users use the App according to the last updated ToU. The effective version of ToU is that which is posted on the App.

The App may only be used for lawful purposes. Use of the App for transmission, distribution, publication or storage of any material on or via the App which is in violation of any applicable law or regulation or any third party's rights is strictly prohibited. This includes (without limitation) the use of the App or the transmission, distribution, publication or storage of any material on or via the App in a matter or for a purpose which infringes copyright, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property rights, is obscene or harmful to minors or constitutes an illegal act or harassment, is libellous or defamatory, violates any privacy or data protection laws, is fraudulent or breaches any exchange control or gambling law.

In the event of misuse and/or the abuse of the App, the Provider reserves the right to close or block the User from the App and close any account registered in the User’s name. The Provider retains the right to bring a lawsuit against the User and at its sole discretion.


The App provides an interactive mobile application containing live sports information in sporting events, sports scores in real time, final results, news, standings, line ups, transfers and sports statistics (hereafter referred to as the ‘Services’). The results, and other statistics information contained on the App, reflect information provided by other independent sources (from third parties) or by in-house effort or by various other official Apps. While every effort is made by the Provider to update the content and match results or other information displayed on the App regularly, we advise to double check information gathered on App also from other sources. The Provider is not responsible for the User’s use of the results and other information contained on the App.


To access and use certain sections and features of our Services (this includes liking a post, leaving a comment), you must first register and create a personal account. You need to have at least one of the following: a working email or Facebook account, and set a password for the personal account.



We may add new Applications, Software, application program interface (“API”), tools, features and/or functionality (each a “Service Capability,” collectively, the “Service Capabilities”) available through the Services and/or install updates from time to time.


We reserve the right to change, discontinue, or deprecate Service Capabilities from time to time or to elect to discontinue the Services in their entirety. If we remove or discontinue a material Service Capability, User may (and User’s exclusive remedy is the option to) cease use of the Services

Emergency Suspension.

If a Security Concern exists in our reasonable opinion, we may immediately suspend any or all User’s access to the Services, and may also remove, as applicable, the offending item, code, Content (including Third Party Content) until the Security Concern is resolved in our reasonable discretion.


The User acknowledges that any contact whatsoever made with third parties after viewing the App, whether intended or unintended, and any outcome which ensues, is absolutely independent of the Provider and the Provider is not in any way responsible for any agreement or expectation and other consequence which ensues as a direct or indirect cause of this contact.

Any claim or dispute which may arise between the User and such a third party shall in no way involve the Provider.

Third parties, including any third parties advertising on the App do not have access to the Users’ Personal Data and any other data that the User may have given to the Provider.


The Provider is not responsible for the content of external Apps which may be viewed from the App. All video content found on the App is not hosted on the Provider’s servers nor is it created or uploaded to the host server by the Provider.


Without prior authorisation in writing from the Provider, Users are not authorised to copy, modify, tamper with, distribute, transmit, display, reproduce, transfer, upload, download or otherwise use or alter any of the content of the App.

Our Proprietary Rights. Except as expressly set forth herein, nothing in these Terms grants you any rights, implied or otherwise, to any of our Intellectual Property Rights or the Services, and you hereby disclaim any interest. As between you and us, we or our Affiliates or licensors own and reserve all right, title, and interest in and to the Services.

Third Party Requests. We may disclose any Service data to comply with any request from a controlling government entity or a regulatory body (including law enforcement, subpoenas, or court orders).

Feedback and Suggestions. If you provide any Suggestions to us or any of our Affiliates, even if you designate the information as confidential, we and our Affiliates may use the information without restriction, and you irrevocably assign to us all rights, title, and interests in and to the Suggestions.

Publicity. If you provide us consent to disclose that you are one of our Users, we may state publicly that you are our User and may include your name, logos, and/or trademarks online or in promotional materials. However, neither you nor we may issue a press release with respect to these Terms without the mutual written consent. You may not make any public communication regarding your use of the Services nor use our name, logos, or trademarks without our prior written consent.

Any breach of this clause may be tantamount to a violation of applicable intellectual property rights within the European Union and other applicable laws. The Provider and any other party authorised on its behalf reserves the right to seek damages to the fullest extent


If the User fails to adhere to any clause in the ToU or if the Provider reasonably suspects that a User whether directly or indirectly fails to comply with any clause in the ToU, the Provider reserves the right and all remedies at its disposition, and at its sole discretion, to close or block the User from the App and close any account registered in the User’s name and related to it and retains the right to bring a lawsuit against the User at its sole discretion.

Report Violations. If you become aware that any User’s access or use of the Services violates these Terms, you will immediately: (i) notify us in writing regarding the violation; (ii) to the extent that you are capable (by administrative control or contractual right), immediately suspend the violating User’s access and use of the Services until such violations are corrected.


Users are advised to comply with applicable legislation in the jurisdiction in which they are domiciled and/or resident and/or present. The Provider does not accept responsibility for any action taken by any authority against any User in connection with their use of the App.


Generally. We will provide the Services to you subject to the obligations, requirements and conditions of these Terms.

Privacy Policy. We value your privacy and detail our policies and procedures regarding the use of your information in our Privacy Policy. Notwithstanding any other agreement (whether written or verbal) between you and us, the preceding sentence contains our and our Affiliates’ entire obligation regarding the privacy and confidentiality of Your Data.

Please refer to our Privacy Policy if you have more questions about our responsibilities in terms of data.


 Warranties and Representations

It is hereby being specified that the Provider makes no representation, pledge or warranty (either explicit or implicit) that the content of the App is accurate and/or suitable for any particular purpose other than those warranties which cannot be expressly excluded under the governing law of these ToU.

Use of the App is entirely at the User’s risk. The App is not a gaming or gambling App. The Provider of the App does not provide gaming or gambling services; therefore it does not hold or control player funds and it is not involved in any gaming transactions. Betting odds which are displayed on the App are part of information and functions of the App.

The Provider does not guarantee that: any of the functions provided by the App are authorised, that the operation will fully satisfy the User, that it is entirely secure and exempt from error, that it is updated regularly, that any software defect is regularly corrected, that it is uninterrupted, that the App are virus or bug free, that they are continually operational, that they are adequate, that the information and functions available thereon is reliable, or that all other information obtained and functions used on the App are adequate and reliable.

The App may contain links and references to third party websites/apps/adverts/content. Those other websites/apps/adverts/content will be subject to separate terms and conditions, normally contained in those websites/apps/adverts/content. These are provided for the convenience and interest of the User and does not imply responsibility for, nor approval of, information contained in these websites/apps/adverts/content by the Provider. The Provider gives no warranty, either expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, availability of content or information, text or graphics which are not under its domain. The Provider has not tested any software located on other websites/apps and does not make any representation as to the quality, safety, reliability or suitability of such software.


The Provider is not responsible for any loss or damage, direct or indirect, that the User or a third party might have suffered as a result of using the App, including but not limited to damages caused by a commercial loss, a loss of benefits, a loss on anticipated earnings, winnings or other profit, interruption of business, loss of commercial information, or any other pecuniary and or consecutive loss.

The Provider is not responsible for winnings made or losses suffered on third party websites/apps which result from the use of information displayed on the App.

Without limitation to the generality of the preceding two clauses, no responsibility is being acknowledged or accepted hereunder for, inter alia, the following matters:

  1. mistake(s), misprint(s), misinterpretation(s), mishearing(s), misreading(s), mistranslation(s), spelling mistake(s), fault(s) in reading, transaction error(s), technical hazard(s), registration error(s), manifest error(s), Force(s) Majeure and/or any other similar mistake(s)/error(s);
  2. violation of the Provider’s rules;
  3. criminal actions;
  4. advice, in whichever form, provided by the Provider;
  5. legal actions and/or other remedies;
  6. loss or damage that Users or third parties might have suffered as a result of their use of the App, its content or that of any link suggested by the Provider;
  7. loss or damage that Users or third parties might have suffered as a result of any modification, suspension or interruption of the App;
  8. criminal use of the App or of its content by any person, of a defect, or omission or of any other factor beyond the control of the Provider;
  9. any use made of the App due to a third party accessing the private areas requiring login and password by using a User’s Username and Password;
  10. in case of discrepancies in the services, functions and any other feature offered by the App due to viruses or bugs as it relates to all parameters that make up the App, any damage, costs, expenses, losses, or claims brought about by said discrepancies;
  11. any act or omission by an internet provider or of any other third party with whom Users may have contracted in order to have access to the App. In case of litigation between the internet provider and Users, the Provider cannot be a party to the suit, and such suit shall in no way affect these ToU; and
  12. any claim arising as a result of damages incurred by a User due to the content of any material posted by another User or other third party not authorised by the Provider on the App.

You will receive marketing communication from us if you have requested such marketing information from us by providing us with your details through this App and have opted-in to receiving such information.

We will not share your Personal Data with any third party for marketing purposes without your unambiguous consent.


The Services are offered to you at this time free of charge. We will not charge fees for use of the Services unless we explicitly notify you in advance and obtain your approval.


Term. These Terms will continue to apply to your use of the Site and Services until terminated by either you or us.



Unless prohibited by applicable law, you will indemnify, defend, and hold harmless us, our Affiliates, and our licensors (and the respective employees, agents, officers, directors, members, managers, and owners of us, our Affiliates, and our licensors) from and against all damages, liabilities, and costs (including settlement costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising out of a third party claim concerning or arising from (each a “Third Party Claim”): (i) Your Content (including any damage caused by malicious or harmful code included in Your Content) or any allegation or claim that Your Claim infringes or misappropriated a third party’s Intellectual Property Rights or makes unlawful or unauthorized use of a third party’s trade secrets; (ii) your access or use of the Services or any Software or other Content available from or through the Services, including any use in violation of the Agreements; (iii) your breach of any representation, warranty, or other provision of these Terms; (iv) your violation of any law, rule, or regulation applicable to you (or your industry);


We will promptly notify you of a Third Party Claim, but our failure to provide prompt notice will only reduce your obligations to the extent that such failure substantially prejudices your ability to defend the Third Party Claim. You may settle the Third Party Claim in your discretion, provided that any settlement which requires us to admit any liability or wrongdoing will require our prior written consent at our sole discretion. Further, any settlement which requires us to pay any money or incur any obligations may not be made without our prior written consent.


Governing Law.

These Terms and Conditions and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with them shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of England and Wales, excluding conflict of law provisions.


You agree that as a condition for you to bring any legal claim against us (regardless whether brought as a complaint or a counterclaim) relating in any way to these Terms or the Services, you must have provided us a Default Notice within 60 days that you first knew of (or with reasonable inquiry, could have discovered) the act or omission that gave rise to your claim.

Time Limitation.

Any claim against us must be filed within 1 year that you first knew of (or with reasonable inquiry, could have discovered) the act or omission that gave rise to your claim.

Class Action Waiver.

We and you agree that any dispute resolution proceedings will be conducted only on an individual basis and not in a class, consolidated or representative action.

Equitable Relief.

We may seek injunctive or other relief (without the necessity of posting a bond or demonstrating actual monetary damages) in any state, federal, or national court of competent jurisdiction for any actual or alleged unauthorized access or use of the Services or an infringement of our, our Affiliates, or any third party’s intellectual property or other proprietary rights.


Entire Agreement.

These Terms set out all of the terms and is the entire agreement between you and us regarding its subject matter. The provisions, if any, located at a URL referenced in these Terms, as may be amended from time to time, are hereby incorporated by this reference. These Terms supersedes all prior or contemporaneous representations, communications, understandings, or agreements between you and us, whether written or verbal, regarding its subject matter. In entering these Terms, you have not relied on, nor will your any right or remedy based on, any statement, representation or warranty (whether made negligently or innocently), except those expressly set out in these Terms. We will not be bound by, and specifically object to, any term, condition, obligation, or other provision which is different from or in addition to the provisions of these Terms (regardless whether it would materially alter these Terms) and which is submitted by you in an order, receipt, acceptance, confirmation, correspondence, or other document.


All communications and notices to be made or given pursuant to these Terms must be in the English language. If we provide a translation of the English language version of these Terms or any notice, the English language version will control if there is any conflict.


We may provide notices regarding us and/or the Services by posting a notice in our App and such notices will be effective when posted in the App. We may also provide any notice to you regarding or pursuant to these Terms by emailing a message to the email address associated with you. You are solely responsible for ensuring that the email account associated with you is accurate and current, and you agree that any notice sent by email to such an email address will be effective when sent, whether or not you actually receive the email. To give us notice regarding these Terms, the Services you must provide the notice by emailing a message to our support team at Any such notice will be deemed effective 15 business days after it was received.

Force Majeure.

We, our Affiliates and licensors, will not be liable for any failure or delay in performance of any obligation under these Terms where the failure or delay results from circumstances beyond our reasonable control, including acts of God, fire, explosion, earthquake, flood, storms or other elements of nature, blockages, pandemics, embargoes, riots, acts of civil or military authority, war, terrorism (including cyber terrorism), labor disputes, strikes, acts or omissions of internet traffic carriers, internet service disruptions; utility failures, systemic electrical, telecommunications or other industrial disturbances, or actions or omissions of regulatory or governmental bodies (including the passage of laws or regulations or other acts of government that impact the delivery of Services) (each an “Uncontrollable Event”).

No Waiver.

Neither you nor we will be deemed to have waived any rights by not exercising (or delaying the exercising) any rights provided under these Terms. All waivers by us must be in writing to be effective.


We may assign these Terms, including our respective rights and obligations, to an Affiliate or a third party at our discretion. You may not assign these Terms, in whole or in part, or delegate or sublicense any of your rights and/or obligations under these Terms, without our written consent. Any other attempt to assign or transfer is void. Subject to the restrictions provided in the preceding two sentences, these Terms will be binding upon, and insure to the benefits of the parties and their respective successors and assigns.

No Third Party Beneficiaries.

Nothing in these Terms shall be interpreted to create or confer any rights or benefits for any third party.

 Apple Terms.

This Agreement supplements and incorporates (a) the Apple Terms and Conditions (located at including, without limitation, the Licensed Application End User License Agreement provided therein. If any of the provisions of the Apple Terms and Conditions conflict with the terms of this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement will control, solely to the extent such terms apply to the Application and services performed or provided by the Application.

For avoidance of doubt, Apple is not party to the Agreement and Apple has no obligation to provide support and maintenance to the Application. Without limiting the force of any disclaimers in this Agreement, to the extent that any warranty survives or exists notwithstanding all such disclaimers, and, to the extent the application fails to conform to such warranty, you may notify Apple of such failure and Apple may elect to refund to you any purchase price for the Application (if any) and then, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Apple will have no other warranty obligations with respect to the Application. Apple is not responsible for addressing your claims or those of any third party relating to the Application or your possession and/or use of the Application, including, but not limited to: (i) product liability claims; (ii) any claim that the Application fails to conform to legal or regulatory requirements; and (iii) claims arising under consumer protection or similar legislation. Apple is not responsible for the investigation, defense, settlement and discharge of any third-party claim that your possession and use of the Application infringes that third-party’s intellectual property rights. You agree to comply with any applicable third-party terms, when using the Application. Apple and Apple’s subsidiaries are third-party beneficiaries of this Agreement, and upon your acceptance of this Agreement, Apple will have the right (and will be deemed to have accepted the right) to enforce this Agreement against you as a third-party beneficiary of this Agreement. You hereby represent and warrant that (i) you are not located in a country that is subject to a U.S. Government embargo, or that has been designated by the U.S. Government as a “terrorist-supporting” country; and (ii) you are not listed on any U.S. Government list of prohibited or restricted parties.


Notices relating to these Terms and Conditions may be sent to You by email.

Please submit any notices to Us relating to these Terms and Conditions via email to .